Heiko Voigt <hvo...@hvoigt.net> writes:

> Hi,
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:42:00PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
>> Heiko Voigt <hvo...@hvoigt.net>:
>> > Maybe you could add that information to the parsecvs compile
>> > instructions? I think just because it takes some effort to compile does
>> > not justify to remove this useful pointer here. When I was converting a
>> > legacy cvs repository this pointer would have helped me a lot.
>> I'm parsecvs's maintainer now.  It's not in good shape; there is at
>> least one other known showstopper besides the build issue.  I would
>> strongly prefer to direct peoples' attention away from it until I
>> have time to fix it and cut a release.  This is not a distant 
>> prospect - two or three weeks out, maybe.
> So for this short amount of time you want to change gits documentation?
> Is this hint causing you trouble? Are there many people asking for
> support because of that?
> Even if it takes some effort to get parsecvs running I would like to
> keep the hint to a good and proven cvs importer.

I do not mind changing the documentation, but now I re-read the
change, I tend to agree that dropping the last (un)maintained
version of parsecvs may be detrimental.  Most people will not
download parsecvs from keith's page, but first will try the one
shipped with their distros, and the recent maintainer change for
that tool would not have any impact to these users.

But at the same time, by the time this change reaches these users
who may benefit by the mention of parsecvs via the distro route, the
situation may be different, so I do not think it is such a big deal.
In the longer term, if parsecvs is revived either by Eric or
somebody else, we will add the mention back to the documentation,
probably with an updated URL.
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