
Thank you, I tried it but that didn't work either.  I did find out what my 
issue was.  I need some type of client that would be setup to listen for the 


-----Original Message-----
From: Randall S. Becker <rsbec...@nexbridge.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2018 6:19 PM
To: Heinz, Steve <she...@aaanortheast.com>; git@vger.kernel.org
Subject: RE: git question from a newbie

On June 5, 2018 5:24 PM, Steve Heinz wrote:
> I am new to Git and have read quite a few articles on it.
> I am planning on setting up a remote repository on a windows 2012 R2
> and will access it via HTTPS.
> I am setting up a local repository on my desk top (others in my group
> will
> the same).
> On "server1":  I install Git and create a repository "repos".
> On "server1":  I create a dummy webpage "default.htm" and place it in
> the repo folder.
> On "server1":  I create a web application in IIS pointing to Git
> On Server1":   change permissions so IIS_User  has access to the folders.
> On "server1":  inside the "repos" folder and right click and choose
> "bash here"
> On "server1":   $ git init  -bare    (it's really 2 hyphens)
> On Desktop:  open Chrome and type in URL to make sure we can access it
> https://xyz/repos/default.htm
>       ** make sure you have access, no certificate issues or firewall
issues.  The
> pages shows up fine
> On Desktop:  install Git and create repository "repos".
> On Desktop:  right click in "repos" folder and choose "bash here"
> On Desktop:  $ git init
> On Desktop : add a folder "testProject" under the "repos" folder and
> add some files to the folder
> On Desktop:  $ git add .                 (will add files and folder to
working tree)
> On Desktop   $ git status               (shows it recognizes the filed
were added)
> On Desktop   $ git commit -m "test project commit"           (will stage
> On Desktop   $ git push https://xyz.domainname.com/repos master
> ** this is the error I get,  I have tried many different things.  I am
sure I am
> doing something stupid
> ** I have tried a bunch of variations but I always get the same error.
> It
> like some type of network/permission
> ** thing but everything seems OK.
>        Fatal: repository 'https://xyz.domainname.com/repos/' not found
> *** this is where I get the error trying to push staged items to the
> repository.
> *** I have tried to clone the empty remote repository still same error
> *** I checked port 443 is opened and being used for https
> *** tried to set origin to https://xyz.domainname.com/repos"; and then $git
> push origin master   (same error)
> *** I tried passing credentials to the remote server as well

Missing glue - git remote

git remote add origin https://xyz.domainname.com/repos


-- Brief whoami:
 NonStop developer since approximately 211288444200000000  UNIX developer since 
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