On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 6:05 AM Marc Strapetz <marc.strap...@syntevo.com> wrote:
> The current description of "core.ignorecase" reads like an option which
> is intended to be changed by the user while it's actually expected to
> be set by Git only [1].
> [1] https://marc.info/?l=git&m=152972992729761&w=2

Thanks for following up the discussion with a patch.

The commit message, unfortunately, doesn't explain the "why" of this
change in enough detail for someone to understand the issue without
chasing down that link (which could go stale, or the reader might be
offline). Incorporating Bryan's explanation[1] directly into the
commit message would likely be a good idea if you happen to re-roll.

    Git on Windows is not designed to run with anything other than
    core.ignoreCase=true, and attempting to do so will cause
    unexpected behavior. In other words, it's not a behavior toggle so
    user's can request the functionality to work one way or the other;
    it's an implementation detail that `git init` and `git clone` set
    when a repository is created purely so they don't have to probe
    the file system each time you run a `git` command.


> Signed-off-by: Marc Strapetz <marc.strap...@syntevo.com>

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