
Jeff King wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 11:22:07AM -0700, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
>> Jeff King wrote:

>>> So while I completely agree that it's not a great thing to encourage
>>> users to blindly run "git prune", I think it _is_ actionable.
>> To flesh this out a little more: what user action do you suggest?  Could
>> we carry out that action automatically?
> Er, the action is to run "git prune", like the warning says. :)

I don't think we want to recommend that, especially when "git gc --auto"
does the right thing automatically.

Can you convince me I'm wrong?

>> I mentally make a distinction between this warning from "git gc
>> --auto" and the warning from commands like "git gui".
> I don't think those warnings are the same. The warning from "git gui"
> is: you may benefit from running gc.
> The warning that is deleted by this patch is: you _just_ ran gc, and hey
> we even did it automatically for you, but we're still in a funky state
> afterwards. You might need to clean up this state.

This sounds awful.  It sounds to me like you're saying "git gc --auto"
is saying "I just did the wrong thing, and here is how you can clean
up after me".  That's not how I want a program to behave.

But there's a simpler explanation for what "git gc --auto" was trying
to say, which Jonathan described.

>> Yes, this is a real problem, and it would affect any other warning
>> (or even GIT_TRACE=1 output) produced by gc --auto as well.  I think we
>> should consider it a serious bug, separate from the symptom Jonathan is
>> fixing.
>> Unfortunately I don't have a great idea about how to fix it.  Should
>> we avoid writing warnings to gc.log in daemon mode?  That would
>> prevent the user from ever seeing the warnings, but because of the
>> nature of a warning, that might be reasonable.
> If you do that without anything further, then it will break the
> protection against repeatedly running auto-gc, as I described in the
> previous email.

Do you mean ratelimiting for the message, or do you actually mean
repeatedly running auto-gc itself?

If we suppress warnings, there would still be a gc.log while "git gc
--auto" is running, just as though there had been no warnings at all.
I believe this is close to the intended behavior; it's the same as
what you'd get without daemon mode, except that you lose the warning.

>> Should we put warnings
>> in a separate log file with different semantics?  Should we change the
>> format of gc.log to allow more structured information (include 'gc'
>> exit code) and perform a two-stage migration to the new format (first
>> learn to read the new format, then switch to writing it)?
> Any of those would work similarly to the "just detect warnings" I
> suggested earlier, with respect to keeping the "1 day" expiration
> intact, so I'd be OK with them. In theory they'd be more robust than
> scraping the "warning:" prefix. But in practice, I think you have to
> resort to scraping anyway, if you are interested in treating warnings
> from sub-processes the same way.

Can you say more about this for me?  I am not understanding what
you're saying necessitates scraping the output.  I would strongly
prefer to avoid scraping the output.


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