On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 12:03:11AM +0000, brian m. carlson wrote:

> > +gpg.format::
> > +   Specifies which key format to use when signing with `--gpg-sign`.
> > +   Default is "openpgp", that is also the only supported value.
> I think, as discussed in the other thread, perhaps a different prefix
> for these options is in order if we'd like to plan for the future.
> Maybe this could be "signature.format", "sign.format", "signing.format",
> or "signingtool.format" (I tend to prefer the former, but not too
> strongly).
> I anticipate that some projects will prefer other formats, and it makes
> it easier if we don't have to maintain two sets of legacy names.

Heh. This is slowly morphing into the original signingtool series.

For the record (since I think my response is what you meant by the
"other thread"), I'm OK with going down this gpg.* road for now, and
dealing with other tools if and when they appear (via the extra level of


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