On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 11:38 PM Frank Wolf <webmas...@frank-wolf.org> wrote:
> Hi @ll,
> I hope I'm posting to the right group (not sure if it's Windows related) but 
> I've got
> a weird problem using GIT:
> By accident I've tried to push a repository (containing an already
> commited but not yet pushed submodule reference).
> This fails immediately with an error of course BUT
> after 10 mins I get an output on the console though the command exited!?
> (... $Received disconnect from <GIT serverIP>: User session has timed out 
> idling after 6000000 ms....)

This sounds like it is better suited for
as the error message suggests it comes from some software
bundled with GfW to make Git work on Windows.

(Gits source code doesn't contain such an error message)

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