On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 8:08 PM Stefan Beller <sbel...@google.com> wrote:
> P.S.: another feature that just came to mind is localisation of error 
> messages.
> But that is also easy to do with capabilities (the client sends a capability
> such as "preferred-i18n=DE" and the server may translate all its errors
> if it can.
> That brings me to another point: do we assume all errors to be read
> by humans? or do we want some markup things in there, too, similar to

We do have several classes of errors (fatal, error, warning) so at
least some machine-friendly code should be there. Perhaps just follow
many protocols out there (http in particular) and separate error codes
in groups. Then we can standardize some specific error codes later if
we want too but by default, error(), warning() or die() when running
in server context will have a fixed error code in each group.

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