Derrick Stolee <> writes:

>>   What's the doneness of this one?  I vaguely recall that there was
>>   an objection against the concept as a whole (i.e. there is a way
>>   with less damage to gain the same object-abbrev performance); has
>>   it (and if anything else, they) been resolved in satisfactory
>>   fashion?
> I believe you're talking about Ævar's patch series [1] on
> unconditional abbreviation lengths.

Yes, this is a total tangent, but what happened to that one?  I did
not queue because I was led to expect v2 to follow soonish [*1*].

> Lookup speeds improve in a multi-pack environment.

True.  I recall that years ago there was a discussion, but nobody
came up with patches, to do the consolidated .idx for exactly that
reason (not the "abbrev" reason).

> That's the best I can do to sell the feature as it stands now (plus
> the 'fsck' integration that would follow after this series is
> accepted).

Heh, 'fsck' intergration is not a 'feature' to sell anything, I
would think.  Nobody wants to run fsck for the sake of running
it---it is just having one extra file that must not go corrupt
_requires_ one to have a way to check its integrity and fsck is the
logical place to do so X-<.

In any case, we've had this for about a week in 'pu' after 4
iterations, and review comments seem to have quieted down [*2*], so
let's consider merging it down to 'next'.  I think at least I need
to "commit --amend" (or something like that) 16/23.


*1* <>

*2* That does not indicate either of these two:

    - nobody is interested in the topic
    - the topic is now without any flaw

    It only means that keeping it in 'pu' as a dormant topic would
    not do anybody any good.

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