Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Stefan Beller <sbel...@google.com> writes:
>>> * js/range-diff (2018-07-25) 21 commits
> The non-coloring part, like patch matching and driving diff over a
> pair of "git show" output, looked reasonably solid when I read it
> (even though I admit I did not audit for leaks).
> The only thing I think we would be better off without is the
> coloring of whitespace errors (at least in the current shape).  I
> cannot shake the feeling that temporarily setting core.whitespace to
> nothing (i.e. we do not detect any whitespace errors and hence we do
> not show any) while running diff-of-diff may be a workaround that is
> less damaging to the code base than piling band-aid on the codepath
> that is shared with plain diff (not diff-of-diff).

Having said all that, after re-reading the patches, I think the
series is more or less solid already, so I am hoping that the next
issue of "What's cooking" report can mark it as "Will merge to
'next'".  Although I am not sure if an update for replacing "oops"
will have enough time to come in before that happens, I do not think
anything in this series is so seriously broken that would result in
embarrassing history littered with incremental fix-up.

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