Scott Johnson <> writes:

> Hello Everyone:
> I'm considering writing a patch that adds a configuration variable
> that will allow the user to default the command:
> git push --force
> to:
> git push --force-with-lease

I actually consider "--force-with-lease" that does not say "this is
what exactly I am expecting to replace with my version" a fairly
dangerous form to recommend to the general public, unless their use
of "git fetch" (or "git pull") is disciplined.  In the extreme case,
if you habitually do "git fetch origin" only to update the remote
tracking branches (so that you can do things like "git log ..origin"
to see what others have been doing while you were offline), using
"--force-with-lease" offers no value over "--force", as you're
likely to find your remote-tracking ref to be up-to-date, but it no
longer is what you based on your decision that replacing the tip
with your version is safe.

So, from that point of view, I would recommend thinking twice before
considering to add such a configuration variable.

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