On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 6:31 AM Dylan Young <dylanyoungmei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Works:
> git show -C --find-copies-harder  055f6c89fa4506037d1621761f13430f469b8029
> git show -C --find-copies-harder
> 055f6c89fa4506037d1621761f13430f469b8029 --name-status

Here, because you didn't provide _any_ paths, Git is allowed to
consider all of the paths modified in the commit and, because you
specified --find-copies-harder, it's allowed to consider paths that
_weren't_ modified too. That means it can "see" both the source and
destination for the copy, and it detects the copy as you're expecting.

> Doesn’t Work:
> git show -C --find-copies-harder
> 055f6c89fa4506037d1621761f13430f469b8029  --  PATH_TO_MY_COPIED_FILE

Here, though, you've _explicitly limited_ Git to only the copied file.
It's not allowed to consider any others, which means it can't "see"
the source path anymore. As a result, the copy is detected as a
straight add. Note that --find-copies-harder means the diff machinery
is allowed to consider files that weren't modified in the commit as
possible sources for copies, but that's still subject to your explicit
filtering. In other words, if PATH_TO_SOURCE_FILE wasn't modified,
running this would _not_ see a copy:

git show -C 055f6c89fa4506037d1621761f13430f469b8029  --

But running this would:

git show -C -C 055f6c89fa4506037d1621761f13430f469b8029  --

No bugs here. Everything is working as intended, if not, perhaps, as
you expected.

Hope this helps,

> i.e.
> --- /dev/null
> Hope that’s self-explanatory!!!
> Best,
> Casey Meijer

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