On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 04:53:23PM -0400, Jeff King wrote:
> Right, I like that part. It's just that putting "HEAD" there already has
> a meaning: it would find refs/heads/HEAD.
> Now I'll grant that's a bad name for a branch (and the source of other
> confusions, and I think perhaps even something a few commands actively
> discourage these days).

Makes sense. My whole premise was based on the fact that refs/heads/HEAD
wouldn't be supported. Now it's obvious to me that isn't necessarily
true. And now I understand the real issue. Thanks for bearing with me.

I also agree with your proposed '--list-head' suggestion.

So, ideally, instead of my broken suggestion of:
    $ git branch --verbose --list HEAD feature1 hotfix-*;

The equivalent would be:
    $ git branch --verbose --list-head --list feature1 hotfix-*;

and it would coalesce nicely as long as --list-head conforms with the
default formatting for --list.

Rafael Ascensão

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