On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 6:28 AM Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> > When multiple worktrees are used, we need rules to determine if
> > something belongs to one worktree or all of them. Instead of keeping
> > adding rules when new stuff comes (*), have a generic rule:
> >
> > - Inside $GIT_DIR, which is per-worktree by default, add
> >   $GIT_DIR/common which is always shared. New features that want to
> >   share stuff should put stuff under this directory.
> >
> > - Inside refs/, which is shared by default except refs/bisect, add
> >   refs/worktree/ which is per-worktree. We may eventually move
> >   refs/bisect to this new location and remove the exception in refs
> >   code.
> >
> > (*) And it may also include stuff from external commands which will
> >     have no way to modify common/per-worktree rules.
> OK.  Establishing such a convention is a good role for the core-git
> should play to help third-party tools.
> Should this play well with the per-worktree configuration as well?
> Is it better to carve out a configuration variable namespace so that
> certain keys are never read from common ones (or per-worktree ones),
> so that people can tell which ones are what?  I know your current
> design says "this is just another new layer, and the users can hang
> themselves with this new rope".  I am wondering if there is a need
> to do something a bit more structured.

I actually find the layered design of config files more elegant. Even
before config.worktree is added, the user has system/per-user/per-repo
places to put stuff in. "git config" gives control to read or write
from a specific layer. We have to add layers to $GIT_DIR/refs to
handle multiple worktrees, but since the "API" for those don't have
the concept of layers at all, we need a single view where items from
different worktrees are accessible via the same path/ref name.

Adding variable namespace in config files does not look easy either.
Suppose we have perWorktree.* section just for per-workree stuff, what
do we do when the user just do "git config -f not-per-worktree-file
perWorktree.something foo" (or --global instead of -f)? What we could
do (and already do for some config keys) is ignore perWorktree.*
unless they come from config.worktree. Which does help a bit, but not
really perfect.

And a namespace like this means the user cannot have subsections
anymore (e.g. perWorktree.group.<name>.var is not supported if I
remember correctly). So yeah... perhaps we should wait a bit and see
what the user (or third party tool makers) comes up with.

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