On 11/1/2018 11:48 AM, SZEDER Gábor wrote:
On Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 01:46:22PM +0000, Derrick Stolee wrote:
1. EXPLORE: using the explore_queue priority queue (ordered by
    maximizing the generation number)
2. INDEGREE: using the indegree_queue priority queue (ordered
    by maximizing the generation number)
Nit: I've been pondering for a while what exactly does "order by
maximizing ..." mean.  Highest to lowest or lowest to highest?  If I
understand the rest of the descriptions (that I snipped) correctly,
then it's the former, but I find that phrase in itself too ambiguous.

It means that our priority-queue "get" operation selects the item in the
queue that is largest by our comparison function (first generation number,
thencommit-date for ties).This means we walk commits that have high
generation number before those with lower generation number, guaranteeing
that we walk all children of a commit before walking that commit.


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