On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 08:47:37AM -0800, Shawn O. Pearce wrote:

> >>  - System resource cost we incur by having to keep 50 file
> >>    descriptors open and maintaining 50 mmap windows will reduce by
> >>    50 fold.
> >
> > I wonder how measurable that is (and if it matters on Linux versus less
> > efficient platforms).
> It does matter. We know it has a negative impact on JGit even on Linux
> for example. You don't want 300 packs in a repository. 50 might be
> tolerable. 300 is not.

I'd love to see numbers if you have them. It's not that I don't believe
it is slower, but knowing _how much_ is important when thinking about
what kind of performance increase we are looking to get (which in turn
impacts how much effort to put into the repacking).

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