Jeff King <> writes:

> On Fri, Feb 08, 2013 at 06:34:37PM +0100, Matthieu Moy wrote:
>> Jeff King <> writes:
>> > That seems much cleaner to me. If done right, it could also let people
>> > put:
>> >
>> >   CONTRIB_PERL += contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki
>> Actually, you can already do this:
>>   SCRIPT_PERL += contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.perl
>> probably not by design, but it works!
> So putting:
>   ROOT=contrib/mw-to-git
>   git-remote-mediawiki: FORCE
>           @make -C ../.. SCRIPT_PERL=$(ROOT)/$@.perl $(ROOT)/$@
> in contrib/mw-to-git/Makefile would already work? Neat.

That essentially is what [v2 2/2] does, no?
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