Am 04.09.19 um 19:46 schrieb Pratyush Yadav:
> On 04/09/19 08:24AM, Johannes Sixt wrote:
>> That is worth a try. The check box title offers a natural hotkey then:
>> "_A_mend last commit", Alt-a.
> Right now, the binding proposed is Ctrl-e.  My mental model for the key 
> bindings as of now is having the "actions" bound to Ctrl, and bindings 
> that move you around in the UI bound to Alt.  So it makes more sense to 
> me to have a "amend toggle" bound to Ctrl.  Maybe that's just me though.  
> Anyone else care to chime in?

"Amend last commit" is NOT an action. It switches a state.

It is common in Windows GUIs that every control, including menu items,
has a hotkey associated, the underlined letter in the caption, and the
hotkey to access that UI control is Alt+that letter. It's not
necessarily a matter of moving around.

And, BTW, this hotkey thing is also the case on my Linux desktop

But of course, git-gui is different and totally off track here. It has
*zero* controls marked for hotkey-accessibility. I was just hoping to
spark an effort to make some of the controls marked and hotkey-accessible.

-- Hannes

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