On 11/09/19 08:49AM, Birger Skogeng Pedersen wrote:
> Hi Pratyush,
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 9:12 PM Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote:
> > This patch LGTM, but I'm not sure how to resolve the keybindings
> > problem. Junio suggested we have configurable keybindings, and I agree
> > with him, but until we do, something has to be agreed upon. And we also
> > need to come up with a reasonable default.
> >
> > So, I don't have any preferences for either using Alt+3 for the commit
> > message buffer, or Alt+4. Unless someone has objections, I'll go with
> > Alt+3 for the commit message buffer, and Alt+4 for the diff.
> I honestly don't quite follow the argumentation to use Alt+3 for the
> commit message widget. Is Alt+4 (really) too awkward? And if it is,
> how is Alt+3 better?

It isn't really much more than personal preference.

> If you want to see it merged now (which I do, too), I propose we leave
> it at Alt+3 for the diff, and Alt+4 for the commit message buffer.

Since this entire debate essentially boils down to personal preference, 
there is no clear answer. So I'll just go with the author's 

Do note that I fixed a small nitpick locally. Changed the subject from 
"git-gui: Add..." to "git-gui: add...".
> As David A. mentioned in his email[1], git-cola utilizes CTRL+J/K/L
> for navigation, maybe we should consider(?):
> Alt+i: focus unstaged
> Alt+j: focus staged
> Alt+k: focus commit widget
> Alt+l: focus diff view

David's suggestion was to try to use the vim keys, which are h,j,k,l, 
and not i,j,k,l. Also, in git-cola (I learned this from reading his 
email, I don't use git-cola myself), Ctrl+j is for focussing on the 
lower part of the UI, which is their diff viewer. j is used for moving 
down in vim. Ctrl+k focusses on the status widget, which is in the upper 
part of the UI. k is used for moving up in vim.

But we can't do something similar with git-gui. Why would Alt+k make 
more sense when bound to diff instead of the unstaged changes widget? 
Both are in the upper part of the UI. Similar argument for why Alt+j 
would make more sense bound to commit message buffer instead of the 
staged changes widget? Both are in the lower part of the UI. And you 
can't fit h or l in this similar analogy, because they don't make sense 
to me at all.

I realise that the bindings I mentioned are not what you proposed, but 
they are more in line with the vim keys.

My point being, it is not simple to bind our 4 widgets to 4 directional 
keys, unlike in git-cola where you only have an up and down.

So I don't see any reasonable bindings what would work with the 4 vim 
directional keys: h,j,k,l. Maybe I'm missing something?

Pratyush Yadav

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