Hervé Beraud <herveberaud....@gmail.com> writes:

> Rewrite features that are no longer supported (or recommended)
> in Python 3 in the script so that it can be used with both
> Python 2 and 3, namely:
> - print is not a statement; use print() function instead.
> - dict.has_key(key) is no more; use "key in dict" instead.
> - map(lambda ..., collection) is not liked; use list comprehension.

The first two are must haves (iow, without them the code would not
work with Py3), but the last one sounds like a mere preference.  Is
there some authoritative source we can quote (e.g. "PEPx says that
we should prefer X over Y")?

> These changes introduce a syntaxe compatible with the both versions of
> python.
> Python 2 is EOL at the end of 2019, the major part of distros
> and systems now come with python 3  is the default version so
> these address the situation to render this script compatible with
> the latest versions of python.

The explanation looks vaguely familiar.  I would have placed the
background first, and then description of what is done next, perhaps

    Python 2 is EOL at the end of 2019, many distros and systems now
    come with python 3 as their default version.

    Rewrite features that are no longer supported (or recommended)
    in Python 3 in the script so that it can be used with both
    Python 2 and 3, namely:

    - print is not a statement; use print() function instead.
    - dict.has_key(key) is no more; use "key in dict" instead.
    - map(lambda ..., collection) is not liked; use list comprehension.

to make it even easier to read without unnecessary repetition, but
what you wrote is clear enough already.

The patch text looked clearly done.  Nice.

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