On 02/19/2013 10:32 AM, David Wade wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a commit message beginning with a hash (#) character, like
> this: 'git commit -m "#ifdef ...." '
> Everything went okay when committing, but then I tried 'git commit
> -amend' and without editing the commit message I was told I had an
> empty commit message.
> Is this a problem with my text editor (vim 7.2) or git itself? (git
> version under RedHat 5.8) Or something I'm not supposed to do
> ;-) ?

Lines starting with a hash sign are considered comments by git commit.
If you fire it up without '-m' you'll see that git puts all its own
notes about the commit in commented-out lines.

While empty commit messages aren't really unacceptable by git's model,
they're considered "almost certainly user errors". I expect the -m
flag being present when running 'git commit' causes the check for empty
message to be skipped, which isn't the case when amending the commit.

Btw, when I write messages probably similar to the one you just did, I
tend to write:
  Use compat-layer __builtin_clz() #ifndef __GNUC__
precisely to avoid this issue. It also puts the imperative first,
which I find makes for smoother reading. Putting the condition first
screams for a comma and a slight stagger in reading flow, like so:
  Unless built with gcc, use compat-layer __builtin_clz()

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.erics...@op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

Considering the successes of the wars on alcohol, poverty, drugs and
terror, I think we should give some serious thought to declaring war
on peace.
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