On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 9:15 PM Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote:
> Talking about auto compression, would it be a better idea to let users
> disable the dialog, and then if they do want auto compression, they can
> just run a cron job (or the Windows equivalent) to do this on their
> repos?

Personally I would prefer that git-gui (silently) performs the check
and compression for me when I open it on a repo. But I can totally see
why some (propbably most) git users would not want that. So I don't
really mind if that part of my proposal gets denied.

> What reasons do people have to have this feature in git-gui,
> instead of running cron jobs?

I can't really think of a reason. But then again I can't really think
of a reason why users would want the "loose objects check" in git-gui
in the first place. Especially not enabled by default, popping up when
the user opens git-gui. A button (manual action) to perform this check
and (if necessary) perform the compression would be better IMO.


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