On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 9:30 PM Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote:
> Why are you changing the Alt+4 binding?

I couldn't really find an easier way before.

> This means your feature won't
> work for people who use the mouse to move around in the UI (which I
> suppose would be a majority).

True. I would much prefer that the staged file is selected on commit
widget focus, regardless of how the focus was changed (hotkey or

> Did you try binding a script to the FocusIn event of the commit message
> buffer? You can do this like:
>   bind $ui_comm <FocusIn> {your_script}
> I'm not sure if $ui_comm is the correct widget, but you can experiment a
> bit by printing something in your_script to find out for sure.

Ah, that's pretty neat! I'll play around with that. Thanks, Pratyush.


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