On 10/1/2019 9:06 AM, Matheus Tavares Bernardino wrote:
> Hi,
> During Git Summit it was mentioned that git-grep searches outside
> sparsity pattern which is not aligned with user expectation. I took a
> quick look at it and it seems the reason is
> builtin/grep.c:grep_cache() (which also greps worktree) will grep the
> object store when a given index entry has the CE_SKIP_WORKTREE bit
> turned on.
> From what I understand, this bit is used exactly for sparse checkouts
> (as described in Documentation/technical/index-format.txt[1]). But
> should we perhaps ignore it in git-grep to have the expected behavior?
> I'll be happy to send the patch if so, but I wanted to check with you
> first.

Is that the expected behavior? In a sparse-checkout, wouldn't you _want_
Git to report things outside the cone? You can already use external tools
to search for things in the sparse cone: they are on disk. You need "git
grep" for the objects reachable from the current tree but not already
on disk.

I respect the goal to minimize the work "git grep" is doing, especially
in a sparse-checkout + partial-clone world, where we wouldn't expect to
have the blobs locally and this search would cause many blob downloads.
I just want to truly examine if this is the right behavior.

At minimum, I would expect a new option to have "git grep" go back to
the old behavior, so users who really want a tree-wide search can have


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