> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 12:22:27PM +0200, Uwe Brauer wrote:

   > I hear you: I had a brief encounter with Mercurial not that long ago, 
   > and there were several things that didn't work the way I expected (or 
   > rather: the way I got used to with Git).  The subtle and sometimes
   > not-so-subtle differences between the concepts and philosophy of the
   > two systems might very well explain why Git didn't work the way you
   > expected.

   > However, it's impossible to give any explanation or advice without
   > knowing more about the situation, e.g. at least the exact commands
   > that you run and what they outputted, if you still have them or at
   > least if you can still reproduce the issue. (with potentially
   > sensitive URLs and/or branchnames redacted, if necessary).

Thanks for your answer.

Could you please try out 
git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/matlab-emacs/src matlab-emacs-hg

Then you will see

git log --graph

git log --graph --all

Are giving two different results and I don't understand why the branch
is not shown when using 

git log --graph

Funny thing is when I use the hg-git plugin and run 

hg clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/matlab-emacs/src matlab-emacs-hg

I see this branch, converted to a hg bookmark.

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