Hi all,

how can I make git ignore the time stamp(s) in a PDF.  Two PDFs that
differ only in these time stamps should be considered identical.

Here is an example:
| > pdfinfo some.pdf
| Title:          R Graphics Output
| Creator:        R
| Producer:       R 2.15.1
| CreationDate:   Thu Jan 24 13:43:31 2013 <==  these entries
| ModDate:        Thu Jan 24 13:43:31 2013 <==  should be ignored
| Tagged:         no
| Pages:          1
| Encrypted:      no
| Page size:      504 x 504 pts
| File size:      54138 bytes
| Optimized:      no
| PDF version:    1.4

What I tried is a filter:
,----[ ~/.gitconfig ]
| [filter "pdfresetdate"]
|         clean = pdfresetdate

With this filter script:
,----[ pdfresetdate ]
| #!/bin/bash
| if [ "$#" == 0 ]; then
|     FILEASARG=false
| fi
| if $FILEASARG ; then
|     FILENAME="$1"
| else
|     FILENAME=`mktemp`
|     cat /dev/stdin > "${FILENAME}"
| fi
| TMPFILE=`mktemp`
| TMPFILE2=`mktemp`
| ## dump the pdf metadata to a file and replace the dates
| pdftk "$FILENAME" dump_data | sed -e '{N;s/Date\nInfoValue: 
D:.*/Date\nInfoValue: D:19790101072619/}' > "$TMPFILE"
| ## update the pdf metadata
| pdftk "$FILENAME" update_info "$TMPFILE" output "$TMPFILE2"
| ## overwrite the original pdf
| mv -f "$TMPFILE2" "$FILENAME"
| ## clean up
| rm -f "$TMPFILE"
| rm -f "$TMPFILE2"
| if [ -n $FILEASARG ] ; then
|     cat "$FILENAME"
| fi

This 'works' as far as the committed pdf indeed has the date reset to my
default value.

However, when I re-checkout the files, they are marked modified by git.

So, my question is:  How can I make git *completely* ignore the embedded
date in the PDF?

Many thanks in advance for any help!


I had posted this question (without much success) here:
and with no answer on the git-users mailing list:

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