
On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 05:03:27PM +0530, Ramkumar Ramachandra wrote:
> I'm not able to sort completions for some weird reason.  No matter
> what I order I insert stuff into COMPREPLY, bash seems to auto-sort
> them lexically.  I tried to pass --sort='-committerdate' to git
> for-each-ref so I can get a sensible 'git checkout <TAB>' reply, and
> I'm very annoyed that it doesn't work.
> I thought it was bash's complete builtin doing the implicit sorting,
> so I read the manual with no success.  Is readline doing it?  If so,
> why am I not getting the ordering even in zsh (which doesn't use
> readline)?

The order of elements in COMPREPLY doesn't matter, it will be sorted

$ _foo () { COMPREPLY=("foo" "bar" "baz") ; }
$ complete -F _foo foo
$ foo <TAB>
bar  baz  foo

I don't know who does the sorting (Bash or readline), and I don't know
any way to disable it.


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