On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 1:29 PM, John Keeping <j...@keeping.me.uk> wrote:

> I realise that we shouldn't take offence to review comments, but we are
> all human and it is sometimes hard not to take things personally.
> In the examples above, the first makes it feel like the submitter is
> fighting to get a patch included, but the second feels like we're
> collaborating to get to the best result for the project.
> As my mother would say, "politeness costs nothing" ;-)

That's right, I agree with everything you said, but what would your
mother say about the people are not polite towards you? I doubt it
would be "fuck them then".

You should be polite, you should not demand politeness. Being polite
towards the people that are polite to you barely has any merit,
swallowing your pride, taking a deep breath, trying to understand that
the other side might be just having a bad day, or any number of
reasons for the impoliteness... that's what takes effort.

Escalating violence is easy, blaming the other side for starting is
also easy (as any toddler would tell you), being the side that puts
the other cheek is what's hard.

Felipe Contreras
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