Add a documentation of the index file format version 5 to

Helped-by: Michael Haggerty <>
Helped-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Helped-by: Thomas Rast <>
Helped-by: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <>
Helped-by: Robin Rosenberg <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Gummerer <>
 Documentation/technical/index-file-format-v5.txt | 296 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 296 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/technical/index-file-format-v5.txt

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/index-file-format-v5.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4213087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/technical/index-file-format-v5.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+GIT index format
+== The git index
+   The git index file (.git/index) documents the status of the files
+     in the git staging area.
+   The staging area is used for preparing commits, merging, etc.
+== The git index file format
+   All binary numbers are in network byte order. Version 5 is described
+     here. The index file consists of various sections. They appear in
+     the following order in the file.
+   - header: the description of the index format, including it's signature,
+     version and various other fields that are used internally.
+   - diroffsets (ndir entries of "direcotry offset"): A 4-byte offset
+       relative to the beginning of the "direntries block" (see below)
+       for each of the ndir directories in the index, sorted by pathname
+       (of the directory it's pointing to). [1]
+   - direntries (ndir entries of "directory offset"): A directory entry
+       for each of the ndir directories in the index, sorted by pathname
+       (see below). [2]
+   - fileoffsets (nfile entries of "file offset"): A 4-byte offset
+       relative to the beginning of the fileentries block (see below)
+       for each of the nfile files in the index. [1]
+   - fileentries (nfile entries of "file entry"): A file entry for
+       each of the nfile files in the index (see below).
+   - crdata: A number of entries for conflicted data/resolved conflicts
+       (see below).
+   - Extensions (Currently none, see below in the future)
+     Extensions are identified by signature. Optional extensions can
+     be ignored if GIT does not understand them.
+     GIT supports an arbitrary number of extension, but currently none
+     is implemented. [3]
+     extsig (32-bits): extension signature. If the first byte is 'A'..'Z'
+     the extension is optional and can be ignored.
+     extsize (32-bits): size of the extension, excluding the header
+       (extsig, extsize, extchecksum).
+     extchecksum (32-bits): crc32 checksum of the extension signature
+       and size.
+    - Extension data.
+== Header
+   sig (32-bits): Signature:
+     The signature is { 'D', 'I', 'R', 'C' } (stands for "dircache")
+   vnr (32-bits): Version number:
+     The current supported versions are 2, 3, 4 and 5.
+   ndir (32-bits): number of directories in the index.
+   nfile (32-bits): number of file entries in the index.
+   fblockoffset (32-bits): offset to the file block, relative to the
+     beginning of the file.
+   - Offset to the extensions.
+     nextensions (32-bits): number of extensions.
+     extoffset (32-bits): offset to the extension. (Possibly none, as
+       many as indicated in the 4-byte number of extensions)
+   headercrc (32-bits): crc checksum including the header and the
+     offsets to the extensions.
+== Directory offsets (diroffsets)
+  diroffset (32-bits): offset to the directory relative to the beginning
+    of the index file. There are ndir + 1 offsets in the diroffset table,
+    the last is pointing to the end of the last direntry. With this last
+    entry, we are able to replace the strlen of when reading the directory
+    name, by calculating it from diroffset[n+1]-diroffset[n]-61.  61 is the
+    size of the directory data, which follows each each directory + the
+    crc sum + the NUL byte.
+  This part is needed for making the directory entries bisectable and
+    thus allowing a binary search.
+== Directory entry (direntries)
+  Directory entries are sorted in lexicographic order by the name
+    of their path starting with the root.
+  pathname (variable length, nul terminated): relative to top level
+    directory (without the leading slash). '/' is used as path
+    separator. A string of length 0 ('') indicates the root directory.
+    The special path components ".", and ".." (without quotes) are
+    disallowed. The path also includes a trailing slash. [9]
+  foffset (32-bits): offset to the lexicographically first file in
+    the file offsets (fileoffsets), relative to the beginning of
+    the fileoffset block.
+  cr (32-bits): offset to conflicted/resolved data at the end of the
+    index. 0 if there is no such data. [4]
+  ncr (32-bits): number of conflicted/resolved data entries at the
+    end of the index if the offset is non 0. If cr is 0, ncr is
+    also 0.
+  nsubtrees (32-bits): number of subtrees this tree has in the index.
+  nfiles (32-bits): number of files in the directory, that are in
+    the index.
+  nentries (32-bits): number of entries in the index that is covered
+    by the tree this entry represents. (-1 if the entry is invalid).
+    This number includes all the files in this tree, recursively.
+  objname (160-bits): object name for the object that would result
+    from writing this span of index as a tree. This is only valid
+    if nentries is valid, meaning the cache-tree is valid.
+  flags (16-bits): 'flags' field split into (high to low bits) (For
+    D/F conflicts)
+    stage (2-bits): stage of the directory during merge
+    14-bit unused
+  dircrc (32-bits): crc32 checksum for each directory entry.
+  The last 24 bytes (4-byte number of entries + 160-bit object name) are
+    for the cache tree. An entry can be in an invalidated state which is
+    represented by having -1 in the entry_count field.
+  The entries are written out in the top-down, depth-first order. The
+    first entry represents the root level of the repository, followed by
+    the first subtree - let's call it A - of the root level, followed by
+    the first subtree of A, ... There is no prefix compression for
+    directories.
+== File offsets (fileoffsets)
+  fileoffset (32-bits): offset to the file relative to the beginning of
+    the fileentries block.
+  This part is needed for making the file entries bisectable and
+    thus allowing a binary search. There are nfile + 1 offsets in the
+    fileoffset table, the last is pointing to the end of the last
+    fileentry. With this last entry, we can replace the strlen when
+    reading each filename, by calculating its length with the offsets.
+== File entry (fileentries)
+  File entries are sorted in ascending order on the name field, after the
+  respective offset given by the directory entries. All file names are
+  prefix compressed, meaning the file name is relative to the directory.
+  filename (variable length, nul terminated). The exact encoding is
+    undefined, but the filename cannot contain a NUL byte (iow, the same
+    encoding as a UNIX pathname).
+  flags (16-bits): 'flags' field split into (high to low bits)
+    assumevalid (1-bit): assume-valid flag
+    intenttoadd (1-bit): intent-to-add flag, used by "git add -N".
+      Extended flag in index v3.
+    stage (2-bit): stage of the file during merge
+    skipworktree (1-bit): skip-worktree flag, used by sparse checkout.
+      Extended flag in index v3.
+    smudged (1-bit): indicates if the file is racily smudged.
+    10-bit unused, must be zero [6]
+  mode (16-bits): file mode, split into (high to low bits)
+    objtype (4-bits): object type
+      valid values in binary are 1000 (regular file), 1010 (symbolic
+      link) and 1110 (gitlink)
+    3-bit unused
+    permission (9-bits): unix permission. Only 0755 and 0644 are valid
+      for regular files. Symbolic links and gitlinks have value 0 in
+      this field.
+  mtimes (32-bits): mtime seconds, the last time a file's data changed
+    this is stat(2) data
+  mtimens (32-bits): mtime nanosecond fractions
+    this is stat(2) data
+  file size (32-bits): The on-disk size, trucated to 32-bit.
+    this is stat(2) data
+  statcrc (32-bits): crc32 checksum over ctime seconds, ctime
+    nanoseconds, ino, dev, uid, gid (All stat(2) data
+    except mtime and file size). If the statcrc is 0 it will
+    be ignored. [7]
+  objhash (160-bits): SHA-1 for the represented object
+  entrycrc (32-bits): crc32 checksum for the file entry. The crc code
+    includes the offset to the offset to the file, relative to the
+    beginning of the file.
+== Conflict data
+  A conflict is represented in the index as a set of higher stage entries.
+  These entries are stored at the end of the index. When a conflict is
+  resolved (e.g. with "git add path"). A bit is flipped, to indicate that
+  the conflict is resolved, but the entries will be kept, so that
+  conflicts can be recreated (e.g. with "git checkout -m", in case users
+  want to redo a conflict resolution from scratch.
+  The first part of a conflict (usually stage 1) will be stored both in
+  the entries part of the index and in the conflict part. All other parts
+  will only be stored in the conflict part.
+  filename (variable length, nul terminated): filename of the entry,
+    relative to its containing directory).
+  nfileconflicts (32-bits): number of conflicts for the file [8]
+  flags (nfileconflicts entries of "flags") (16-bits): 'flags' field
+    split into:
+    conflicted (1-bit): conflicted state (conflicted/resolved) (1 if
+      conflicted)
+    stage (2-bits): stage during merge.
+    13-bit unused
+  entry_mode (nfileconflicts entries of "entry mode") (16-bits):
+    octal numbers, entry mode of eache entry in the different stages.
+    (How many is defined by the 4-byte number before)
+  objectnames (nfileconflicts entries of "object name") (160-bits):
+    object names  of the different stages.
+  conflictcrc (32-bits): crc32 checksum over conflict data.
+== Design explanations
+[1] The directory and file offsets are included in the index format
+    to enable bisectability of the index, for binary searches.Updating
+    a single entry and partial reading will benefit from this.
+[2] The directories are saved in their own block, to be able to
+    quickly search for a directory in the index. They include a
+    offset to the (lexically) first file in the directory.
+[3] The data of the cache-tree extension and the resolve undo
+    extension is now part of the index itself, but if other extensions
+    come up in the future, there is no need to change the index, they
+    can simply be added at the end.
+[4] To avoid rewrites of the whole index when there are conflicts or
+    conflicts are being resolved, conflicted data will be stored at
+    the end of the index. To mark the conflict resolved, just a bit
+    has to be flipped. The data will still be there, if a user wants
+    to redo the conflict resolution.
+[5] Since only 4 modes are effectively allowed in git but 32-bit are
+    used to store them, having a two bit flag for the mode is enough
+    and saves 4 byte per entry.
+[6] The length of the file name was dropped, since each file name is
+    nul terminated anyway.
+[7] Since all stat data (except mtime and ctime) is just used for
+    checking if a file has changed a checksum of the data is enough.
+    In addition to that Thomas Rast suggested ctime could be ditched
+    completely (core.trustctime=false) and thus included in the
+    checksum. This would save 24 bytes per index entry, which would
+    be about 4 MB on the Webkit index.
+    (Thanks for the suggestion to Michael Haggerty)
+[8] Since there can be more stage #1 entries, it is necessary to know
+    the number of conflict data entries there are.
+[9] As Michael Haggerty pointed out on the mailing list, storing the
+    trailing slash will simplify a few operations.

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