On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 05:56:44AM -0700, Kyle J. McKay wrote:

> +     matches a url if it refers to the same scheme, host and port and the
> +     path portion is an exact match or a prefix that matches at a "/"
> +     boundary.  If <url> does not include a user name, it will match a url
> +     with any username otherwise the user name must match as well (the
> +     password part, if present in the url, is always ignored).  Longer <url>
> +     path matches take precedence over shorter matches no matter what order
> +     they occur in.  For example, if both "https://u...@example.com/path"; and
> +     "https://example.com/path/name"; are used as a config <url> value and
> +     then "https://u...@example.com/path/name/here"; is passed to a git
> +     command, the settings in the "https://example.com/path/name"; section

These "https://..."; should probably be `https://...`, to mark them in
asciidoc as literals.

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