John Keeping <> writes:

> I wrote this script a few months ago and have been using it pretty much
> daily since then, so I figure it's time to see if anyone else finds it
> useful...
> git-integration [1] is a script to help manage integration branches in
> Git.  By defining a base point and a set of branches to be merged to
> form the integration branch, git-integration lets you easily rebuild an
> integration branch when anything in it changes, as well as showing you
> the status of all of the branches in the integration branch.
> For example, the instruction sheet for git-integration's "pu" branch
> recently looked like this:
>       base master
>       merge make-clean
>         Add a "clean" target to the makefile.
>       merge version
>         Support for "--version" option.
>         N.B. this builds on "make-clean".
>       merge skip-option
>         Needs more work to be able to handle "branch not found".
> This tells git-integration to base the "pu" branch on "master" and merge
> the "make-clean", "version" and "skip-option" branches in.  The comments
> following the "merge" instructions are added to the commit message for
> the corresponding merge commit.  When I want to rebuild the "pu" branch
> I simply do:
>       $ git integration --rebuild pu
> To change the contents of the branch, I either edit the instruction
> sheet manually:
>       $ git integration --edit pu
> or quickly add a new branch from the command line:
>       $ git integration --add my-new-branch pu
> In fact, I can combine these to get the benefit of bash-completion on
> the branch name and the ability to edit the instruction sheet - when
> multiple commands are specified, git-integration performs each of them
> in a sensible order, described in the manpage [2].
> [1]
> [2]


Would it help me to replay "evil merges" I previously made and avoid
necessity to write merge log messages repeatedly?

In short, can I replace my Meta/Reintegrate and Meta/cook with this
(see Documentation/howto/maintain-git.txt)?

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