On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Kumar Appaiah <a.ku...@alumni.iitm.ac.in> wrote:
> These set of patches refactor the log view to provide a behaviour that
> is quite similar to, say, e-mail with Mutt. The key improvements are:
> - The current commit is inferred based on the context. For example, if
>   you focus on the commit message of a particular commit, the correct
>   commit is inferred automagically.
> - Scrolling the log view when the diff is open shows the correct
>   commit on the screen, rather than have to scroll up and cross the
>   commit line to display the screen.

Thanks, great improvements. I am still considering whether to queue
them until after the next release or include them.

> I have decided to revert 888611dd5d407775245d574a3dc5c01b5963a5ba,
> since the behaviour with the updated scrolling pattern is much more
> consistent.

OK, makes sense.

The next step will be to find out how to highlight the diff stat in
the log view. :-D
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