On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:55:06AM +0200, Saša Tomić wrote:

> it just occurred to me -- the command that I would REALLY like to have
> is simple:
>   git undo
> which 'undo'es the last action that has not been pushed yet --
> whichever the action is. Similarly to the 'back' button in the
> browser.

One problem with such simplicity is that you need to define what an
"action" is. If I make a commit, the undo is probably "reset HEAD@{1}".
If I fetch a ref, would undo move backwards? What if I fetch multiple
refs with one command; do we undo all of them? How about during a
multiple-command operation, like a rebase? Does an undo affect the last
commit, or the whole rebase?

I think these questions can be answered (though I am not sure of the
best answer for most of them, nor even if there is a single answer that
covers all situations), but I think a starting point for any "undo"
command would be coming up with a list of what constitutes an action,
how we record the list of actions, and then an appropriate "undo"
reaction for each action.

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