On 25 September 2013 21:12, Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> wrote:
> Jona Christopher Sahnwaldt <j...@sahnwaldt.de> writes:
>> Hi everyone,
>> tl;dr: The short form "git checkout foo" is a mess. There's simply too
>> much "DWIM" magic going on. There are no comprehensible rules how it
>> decides if "foo" is a pathspec or a refspec.
> There is a very simple rule:
> What's on the left hand side of -- are refs, what's on the right hand
> side are paths.
> When you don't use --, then Git tries to guess, and fails whenever
> there's an ambiguity.

That's the case I'm concerned with. And I think the guessing confuses
users in many cases. It certainly has confused me.

>>> OK, what happens is that "git checkout wiktionary" is actually a
>>> shorthand for "git checkout -b wiktionary --track origin/wiktionary".
>> No, it isn't.
> What I meant was that the short form advised by people were _meant_ to
> be a shorthand.
>> Let's consider several scenarios:
> I don't get your point. Is the overly long list a way of complaining?

It's a way of showing that human beings can't understand git's
guesswork. :-) It was also a (failed) attempt to understand the rules
of this heuristic. And an attempt to show the developers that the
rules have gotten out of hand.

> Are you suggesting a change?

Yes, I think the rules for the "short form" (the guessing when there's
no --) should be made simpler, or maybe the guessing should be dropped
altogether. I don't know. I don't know git well enough to be able to
be more specific. I just find the current behavior very confusing.

> What do you think about the change I'm proposing?

I don't know. It looks like it's not really addressing my specific
problem, because as far as I understand it only applies when there is
a --. But again, I don't know git well enough.

Anyway, thanks for your work. I'm sorry I can't provide more useful
input. This "short form" of checkout is just a small feature. I guess
I'm bikeshedding here.


> --
> Matthieu Moy
> http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~moy/
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