Karsten Blees wrote:
> (2) Index
> An index, as in a library, maps almost perfectly to what the git index is
> _and_ what we do with it.

Not really. An index in the context of a library, and in any other context, is
a tool that indicates where something is, in order to find it quickly.

That is not how the Git index is used, nor what it is.

> (3b) Staging area (other meanings)
> I don't see how a stage (as in a theater) is in any way related to the git
> index.
> Data staging (as in loading a datawarehouse or web-server) fits to some
> extent, as its also about copying information, not moving physical things.

A stage in theater, and in any other context, is a special place, a standing
place, I don't see what is so different from the git staging area.

> > Even 'native' speakers don't have a single consistent term for the
> > concept. Terms are stolen from many varied industries and activities
> > that have to prepare and package items (Ships, Trains, Theaters)
> > (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shipping_list, for a shortish list, which 
> > doesn't mention an Index)
> All true, but we don't need to steal terms from unrelated fields if
> information science provides us with the terms we need.

But it doesn't.

Felipe Contreras
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