Eugene Sajine <> writes:

> That was my initial intention, because I would like to be able to pass
> parameters like to git log or git blame correctly without the explicit
> use of $1. Could you please advise about how to make it work with the
> !sh -c ?
> Because the same exact (sed 's/@\\S*//') syntax didn't work with "sh -c".

You can make it work if you think step-by-step.  First, this is what
you want to run:

        sh -c 'git log --format="..." "$@" | sed "s/@\S*//"' -

so that "git euguess" would turn into

        sh -c 'git log --format="..." "$@" | sed "s/@\S*//"' -

Now, you want to wrap it into an alias, i.e.

                euguess = "!sh -c ..."

That ... part is read by our configuration reader, so you need to
quote the double quotes and backslashes with backslash, which would
give you something like:

                euguess = "!sh -c 'git log --format=\"%h %ae %s\" --date=short 
\"$@\" | sed \"s/@\\S*//\"' -"

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