Benjamin Pabst <benjamin.pabst85 <at>> writes:
> is it possible to debug git-svn or get a more verbose / debug output
> from it? I already tried with the "GIT_TRACE" variable, but it does
> not include any further output on the svn methods.

I've hit this problem too, and tracked it down to what I think is a
bug in svn.  It fails in libsvn_ra_serf/commit.c:close_file() on invalid
->copy_path on the file context.

AFAICT this is do to the ra_serf version of add_file() lacking
apr_pstrdup() on the "copy_path" argument passed to it; as a result it
gets overwritten with garbage on further use:

1852 static svn_error_t *
1853 add_file(const char *path,
1854          void *parent_baton,
1855          const char *copy_path,
1856          svn_revnum_t copy_revision,
1857          apr_pool_t *file_pool,
1858          void **file_baton)
1859 {
1875   new_file->copy_path = copy_path;

You can apply this workaround to get it to work:

--- a/perl/Git/SVN/
+++ b/perl/Git/SVN/
@@ -304,8 +304,9 @@ sub C {
        my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
        my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
        my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+       my $upa = $self->url_path($m->{file_a});
        my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
-                               $self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
+                               $upa, $self->{r});
        print "\tC\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
        $self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
@@ -323,8 +324,9 @@ sub R {
        my ($self, $m, $deletions) = @_;
        my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
        my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir, $deletions);
+       my $upa = $self->url_path($m->{file_a});
        my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
-                               $self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
+                               $upa, $self->{r});
        print "\tR\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $::_q;
        $self->apply_autoprops($file, $fbat);
        $self->chg_file($fbat, $m);

What it does is store the value to be passed to add_file() in a local
variable, and rely on perl to keep it alive through the end of function
scope, beyond the call to close_file() where it's actually used.

I'm going to submit a patch adding apr_pstrdup() to subversion folks.
Meanwhile if people find the above workarond a sensible thing to do in
git, I can submit a properly formed patch here too.

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