On 02/04/2014 14:25, Jeff King wrote:
Right. If git just disabled the color, I think that would be sane (and
that is what my patch was shooting for). But somebody who sees:

   $ git log
   ESC[33mcommit 3c6b385c655a52fd9db176ce1e01469dc9954f91ESC[mESC[33m
   (ESC[1;36mHEADESC[mESC[33m, ESC[1;32mjk/meta-makeESC[mESC[33m)ESC[m

does not necessarily know what is going on. They do not know that it is
a "less" problem, nor that their less settings are relevant. They only
see that Git is broken out of the box.

Maybe, instead of doing all the elaborate guess and assumption work, have configure script check if the current PAGER supports colors and build git accordingly? configure could run the pager as one of its tests, and determine if "ESC" appears on the output.

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