Matthieu Moy <> writes:

> Michael Haggerty <> writes:
>> Or perhaps "-NUM" should fail with an error message if any of the last
>> NUM commits are merges.  In that restricted scenario (which probably
>> accounts for 99% of rebases), "-NUM" is equivalent to "HEAD~NUM".
> Makes sense to me. So, -NUM would actually mean "rebase the last NUM
> commits" (as well as being an alias for HEAD~NUM), but would fail when
> it does not make sense (with an error message explaining the situation
> and pointing the user to HEAD~N if this is what he wanted).
> This would actually be a feature for me: I often want to rebase "recent
> enough" history, and when my @{upstream} isn't well positionned,...

Could you elaborate on this a bit?  What does "isn't well
positioned" mean?  Do you mean "the upstream has advanced but there
is no reason for my topic to build on that---I'd rather want to make
sure I can view 'diff @{1} HEAD' and understand what my changes
before the rebase was"?  That is, what you really want is

        git rebase -i --onto $(git merge-base @{upstream} HEAD) @{upstream}

but that is too long to type?

If it is very common (and I suspect it is), we may want to support
such a short-hand---the above does not make any sense without '-i',
but I would say with '-i' you do not want to reBASE on an updated
base most of the time.  "git rebase -i @{upstream}...HEAD" or
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