On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 01:36:12PM +0400, Dmitry wrote:

> Here's my usecase. I have created a BranchWithVeryLongName and I want
> to have it pushed to origin. So I use this command with version
> git push origin BranchMistypedLongName
> (note that I mistyped the branch name). The following happens:
> 1. git asks me for username and password
> 2. it authenticates on the origin server
> 3. it bails out with "error: sfc refspec BranchMistypedLongName does not 
> match any"
> Can't git perhaps check that the branch exists before it asks me for
> credentials and just say there's no such branch?

We can't fully process the refspecs until we have talked to the other
side, because they may involve matching refs from the remote; I don't
think git even really looks at them until after we've connected.

But I think there are some obvious cases, like a bogus left-hand side
(i.e., what you have here) that cannot ever succeed, no matter what the
other side has. We could sanity check the refspecs before doing anything

Here's a patch series that does that.

  [1/3]: match_explicit: hoist refspec lhs checks into their own function
  [2/3]: match_explicit_lhs: allow a "verify only" mode
  [3/3]: push: detect local refspec errors early

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