On 7/2/2014 10:30 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Tanay Abhra <tanay...@gmail.com> writes:
>> diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt 
>> b/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt
>> index 230b3a0..2c02fee 100644
>> --- a/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt
>> +++ b/Documentation/technical/api-config.txt
>> @@ -77,6 +77,75 @@ To read a specific file in git-config format, use
>> +`git_config_get_value` returns 0 on success, or -1 for no value found.
>> +
>> +`git_config_get_value_multi` allocates and returns a `string_list`
>> +containing all the values for the key passed as parameter, sorted in order
>> +of increasing priority (Note: caller has to call `string_list_clear` on
>> +the returned pointer and then free it).
>> +
>> +`git_config_get_value_multi` returns NULL for no value found.
>> +
>> +`git_config_clear` is provided for resetting and invalidating the cache.
>> +
>> +`git_config_iter` gives a way to iterate over the keys in cache. Existing
>> +`git_config` callback function signature is used for iterating.
> Instead of doing prose above and then enumeration below,
> consistently using the enumeration-style would make the descriptions
> of API functions easier to find and read.  Also show what parameters
> each function takes.  E.g.


> A few random thoughts.
>  - Are "a value for the variable is found" and "no value for the
>    variable is found" the only possible outcome?  Should somebody
>    (not necessarily the calling code) be notified of an error---for
>    example, if you opened a config file successfully but later found
>    that the file could not be parsed due to a syntax error or an I/O
>    error, is it possible the caller of this function to tell, or are
>    these just some special cases of "variable not found"?

The syntactical errors when parsing the file are shown when it fails to
construct the hashmap. Whenever a caller calls for a value for the first
time, the file is read and parsed and if it fails during parsing it dies
raising a error specifying the lineno and filename.

Variable not found means that the variable is not present in the file,
nothing more. Note: the hashmap code uses git_config() parsing stack
so whatever error it raises in normal git_config() invocation, it
would be raised here too.

>  - The same goes for the "multi" variant but it is a bit more grave,
>    as a function that returns an "int" can later be updated to
>    return different negative values to signal different kinds of
>    errors, but a function that returns a pointer to string-list can
>    only return one kind of NULL ;-)

Null pointer just means no variable found in the files. What other kind
of errors may arise?

>  - For the purpose of "git_config_get_value()", what is the value
>    returned for core.filemode when the configuration file says
>    "[core] filemode\n", i.e. when git_config() callback would get a
>    NULL for value to signal a boolean true?

NULL in value pointer with 0 return value denoting variable found.

>  - Is there a reason why you need a separate and new "config_iter"?
>    What does it do differently from the good-old git_config() and
>    how?  It does not belong to "Querying for Specific Variables"
>    anyway.

You mentioned previously in the list for a analogue to git_config()
which supports iterating over the keys.
The link is [1] I think, gmane is not working for me currently.


>> +The config API also provides type specific API functions which do conversion
>> +as well as retrieval for the queried variable, including:
>> +
>> +`git_config_get_int`::
>> +Parse the retrieved value to an integer, including unit factors. Dies on
>> +error; otherwise, allocates and copies the integer into the dest parameter.
>> +Returns 0 on success, or 1 if no value was found.
> "allocates and copies"????  Is a caller forced to do something like
> this?
>       int *val;
>       if (!git_config_get_int("int.one", &val)) {
>               use(*val);
>                 free(val);
>       }
> I'd expect it to be more like:
>       int val;
>         if (!git_config_get_int("int.one", &val))
>               use(val);

Yup, you are right, my fault.

> Also, is there a reason why the "not found" signal is "1" (as
> opposed to "-1" for the lower-level get_value() API)?

Many of the type specific functions return -1 for wrongful parsing
like git_config_get_string and git_config_get_maybe_bool, that is
why I changed the return value for such functions.

>> +Custom Configsets
>> +-----------------
>> +
>> +A `config_set` points at an ordered set of config files, each of
>> +which represents what was read and cached in-core from a file.
> This over-specifies the implementation.  Judging from the list of
> API functions below, an implementation is possible without having to
> keep track of what source files were fed in what order (i.e. it can
> just keep a single hash-table of read values and incrementally parse
> the new contents given via configset-add-file into it, without even
> recording the origins, and forget about the source files once it
> finishes parsing).
> As was pointed out during the previous review round, a stack of
> <hash, filename> tuples cannot represent the configuration when
> config-includes are involved.  Also we would eventually want to be
> able to also read from non-file sources (e.g. from a blob, or a
> caller-supplied in-core strings).
> For the purpose of reporting errors at the point of value being
> used, I have a suspicion that you would need to associate the
> <file,line> pair with each individual value string you will keep
> after configset_add_file() parses the file.  The implementation of
> the call-chain may look like:
>       git_configset_add_file(cs, filename):
>               file = open filename
>                 lineno = 0
>               while read line from file:
>                       git_configset_parse_line(cs, filename, lineno++, line)
>               close file
>       git_configset_parse_line(cs, filename, lineno, line):
>               ... this needs to implement a state machine
>                 ... that keeps track of what has been read halfway
>                 ... e.g. we may have seen "[core] crlf =\\\n"
>               ... earlier, which is not a complete input yet,
>                 ... and now we may be looking at "auto" that lets
>                 ... us finally parse one item.
>               if state in 'cs' and new 'line' gives us a complete input:
>                       determine key and value
>                         record <value, filename, lineno> for 'key' to cs.hash
>                 update state in 'cs'
> For processing "git -c section.variable=value", we probably would
> call git_configset_parse_line() on the_configset with filename
> set to "command line" or something.
> And then when the caller tries to actually use the value, e.g.
>          git_configset_get_int(cs, key):
>               look up <value, filename, lineno> for 'key' from the cs.hash
>               if value is successfully parsed as int:
>                       return the parsed result
>               else:
>                       error("not an int: '%s' (%s:%s)", value, filename, 
> lineno)

Okay, lets see what I can do with it.

>> +It can be used to construct an in-memory cache for config files that
>> +the caller specifies. For example,
> This is almost good to help a reader decide if she might want to use
> it in her code, but we probably want to stress the fact that use of
> a config_set is done for a namespace separate from the main
> configuration system, e.g. ".gitmodules".
>> +---------------------------------------
>> +struct config_set gm_config = CONFIG_SET_INIT;
>> +int b;
>> +/* we add config files to the config_set */
>> +git_configset_add_file(&gm_config, ".gitmodules");
>> +git_configset_add_file(&gm_config, ".gitmodules_alt");
>> +
>> +if (!git_configset_get_bool(gm_config, "submodule.frotz.ignore", &b)) {
>> +/* hack hack hack */
>> +}
>> +
>> +/* when we are done with the configset */
>> +git_configset_clear(&gm_config);
>> +----------------------------------------
>> +
>> +Configset API provides functions for the above mentioned work flow, 
>> including:
>> +
>> +`git_configset_init`::
>> +
>> +Returns an allocated and initialized struct `config_set` pointer.
> "allocated"???  Is a caller forced to do this, i.e. always have the
> config-set on heap?
>       struct config_set *config = git_configset_init();
>         ... use it ...
>         git_configset_clear(config);
> I'd expect it be more like this:
>       struct config_set config;
>       git_configset_init(&config);
>         ... use it...
>         git_configset_clear(&config);

Yup, I prefer the second one.
Thanks for the review,
Tanay Abhra.
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