Hello Hannes,

> Am 10.07.2014 22:05, schrieb Johannes Sixt:
> > It looks like I totally missed the topic sk/mingw-unicode-spawn-args.
> > Am I doing something wrong? Does the topic depend on a particular
> > version of MSYS (or DLL)?

unfortunately, I paused my submissions at random point.

I'm sorry for breaking your setup.  I was not aware there is any
working Windows setup beyond msysGit.  Thus I did not object when the
half-done work was going to be moved ot master.

I'll try to submit the patches needed so that your setup works again.

Karsten writes:
> At first glance, t0050 seems to fail because the unicode file
> name patches are still missing.

Indeed, this is a pair of patches on the tip of my queue.

> t4041 tries to pass ISO-8859-1 encoded bytes on the command line,
> which simply doesn't work on Windows (all OS APIs 'talk' UTF-16).
> We have a fix for this in the msysgit fork [1] (but unfortunately
> in another branch, so Stepan couldn't know the patch is related).

There is a whole branch named win-tests or some such.  I remember I
was hunting for not-yet resolved instances of this bug.  This
convinced me that the test suite of vanilla git cannot work on
Windows.  I was not aware about the fact that this problem was masked
in the versions before Karsten's unicode patches.

Hannes, I'd like to submit the patches mentioned here during the
following week and I'd be glad to hear from you.

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