Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> writes:
>> In general, most strings one manipulates are "const char *", it's
>> frequent to modify a pointer to a string, but rather rare to modify the
>> string itself.
> We seem to have a disagreement.  Unlike git_config_get_value() that
> lets callers peek the only cached copy, git_config_get_string()
> gives its caller a new copy that the caller needs to free.  Such a
> new string can and should be given as mutable, I would say.

You're right (I guess you replied to this one before seeing my other
message). imap_folder could be declared const char *, but
git_config_get_string() shouldn't be the one to force this.

Matthieu Moy
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