
I have a Vendro-Branch setup where i store the official code in my own
repository. Next to that i have a Delta-Branch where i store only the
changed files different to the Vendor-Branch.

I have two problems with this setup:

When updating the Vendor-Branch (File A, B, C), the file A which is
also present in the Delta-Branch, is not automatically updated in
Delta. I cannot merge Vendor into Delta because thousands of other
files would be added thus destroying the purpos of the Delta branch.
Checking out Delta after updating Vendor will load the file from
Delta. Can't i just merge the files already present in Delta from
Vendor to Delta?

After upgrading Vendor and merging Delta to Vendor older files in
Delta get ignored and not Merged. File A for example is newer in
Vendor, but i need the changes from Delta. -X theirs does not work
eigther. What i want is the merge-window.

Merge Strategy "theirs" does not work. I get "Already up-to-date" each time.

Any sugestions how i could get this to work? Or maybe there is a more
logical setup?


Adrian Stern
unchained - web solutions

+41 79 292 83 47
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