Hin-Tak Leung <ht...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> btw, git svn seems to disallow single word commit messages (or is it a
> svn config?). i found that i could not do git svn dcommit, when i had
> merely did git commit -m 'typos', for example, for an svn repo i have
> write access to. (I don't have them many such things, so it is
> difficult to tell whether it is a repo config, or a git svn
> strangeness). i just do rebase and do 'typo correction' or something
> before re-dcommit in the past.

Probably an SVN hook preventing it.  git-svn test cases such as
t/t9118-git-svn-funky-branch-names.sh do single word commits.
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