On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 10:30 PM, Jeff King <p...@peff.net> wrote:
> I know you "make test" before pushing out the results of any integration
> you do. And I recall that for a while (and maybe still?) you even did so
> on VMs of a few common platforms. OS X is notoriously irritating to run
> in a VM, but would you be interested in a network-accessible install
> that you could push to and "make test" on as part of your routine?
> If what Michael is offering cannot do that, I am sure I can get GitHub
> to set something up.

Even if it were network-accessible, the latency for doing an integration
cycle and pushing there and waiting for the tests to come back may
make it impractical to use it as "part of pre-pushout test".

But I would think that the project certainly would benefit if a
post-receive hook at Github did an automated test on the tip of
'pu' and bisected a breakage, if found, to pinpoint the patch
that breaks. It could even send a notice to the author of the
non-portable patch ;-).

That would be "post-pushout test", but as long as it catches new
breakages before they hit 'next', the resulting benefit to the project
would be very similar (the difference is only one integration cycle).
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