Hi, I'm trying find a solution where I can change file in a devel
environment , and not commit it into git . 

git update-index --assume-unchanged <file> 

is one solution , not the best solution but one solution. 

I add 2 files that I want ignore on commits 

git update-index --assume-unchanged configurations/local.defs
git update-index --assume-unchanged processor/default.defs

git diff -a 
is clean 
git diff .
is clean

git commit -a 
nothing added to commit
git commit . 
# Changes to be committed:
#       modified:   configurations/local.defs
#       modified:   processor/default.defs

this is a bug ? 

Anyway what is best way to deal with some files where we want change
locally and not commit in git . 
The solution of have one environment variable that says if we are in
devel or in production , and system read the variable and choose the
files to read can't be applied in my case, and is a no solution , is
save a variable outside of source code which I can't. 

Sérgio M. B.

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