On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 04:29:49PM -0500, Jeff King wrote:
> >>> since if they failed the first time, they will never succeed
> Are there other GSSAPI methods where this is not the case? I don't know
> of any, and AFAICT git's support is used only for Kerberos, so this is
> probably safe for now. If somebody can produce a concrete case that
> behaves differently, we can untangle it then.

GSSAPI defines a token-based interface.  While it's possible that a user
could have multiple tokens, I don't think libcurl knows how to select
different ones, so TTBOMK it will always present the same token and
hence always get the same response.

libcurl could theoretically be linked against any shared library
implementing the GSSAPI version 2.  I only know if it being used in
Kerberos and NTLM in practice.
brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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