
Using "git branch --no-merged" I can get a list of branches that I have that I haven't merged into my current branch. "git tag" doesn't have such an option, is there a way to achieve something similar listing tags that point to commits that aren't in my history?

Background: In my $DAYJOB we have a couple of products that are built from a common source tree. Each of the products have their own maintenance branches, and releases from these maintenance branches are tagged. I want to merge the changes from the maintenance branches to master (and possibly to other maintenance branches if there are changes relevant to other products), but I only want to do this for our tagged released.

Using "git branch --no-merged" I can see which of the maintenance branches have commits that haven't been merged yet, but I cannot tell whether any of those have been tagged.

\\// Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/
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