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Fairuzan Roslan <fairuzan.ros...@gmail.com> writes:

> I don’t see the issue for the owner of his/her own file to have write
> access.

Object and pack files are not meant to be modified. Hence, they are
read-only so that an (accidental) attempt to modify them fails.

> Setting tmp idx & pack files to read-only even for the file owner is
> not a safety feature.

Yes it is. If you do not think so, then please give some arguments.

> You should at least give the user the option to set the permission in
> the config file and not hardcoded the permission in the binary.

This is the kind of thing I meant by "investigate alternate solutions".
I have no AFP share to test, so it would help if you answered the
question I asked in my previous message:

>> On Feb 17, 2015, at 2:23 AM, Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> 
>> wrote:
>> Fairuzan Roslan <fairuzan.ros...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> Somehow the “int mode = 0444;” in odb_mkstemp (environment.c) are
>>> causing a lot of issues (unable to unlink/write/rename) to those
>>> people who use AFP shares.
>> Is it a problem when using Git (like "git gc" failing to remove old
>> packs), or when trying to remove files outside Git?

(BTW, why did you try to write/rename pack files?)

Matthieu Moy
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