As of Git 2.3.0, the output of "git log --decorate" is ambiguous as to
whether the HEAD is detached or not.
More specifically, consider the following output of "git log --decorate":

    4d860e9 (HEAD, master, dev) Remove trailing whitespace

Whether the HEAD is attached to master or detached, the output is the same.
Could/should "git log --decorate" be modified to provide this information?
Perhaps something along the lines of

    4d860e9 (HEAD -> master, dev) Remove trailing whitespace


    4d860e9 (HEAD = master, dev) Remove trailing whitespace

in case HEAD is attached to master, and the current output if it is
detached? Any thoughts?
(For information, I asked a related question on Stack Overflow a few
months ago:

Also, if such a feature is desirable, would its implementation be a
suitable "microproject" for a prospective GSoC-2015 applicant?

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